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The Mangutovo Buddhist retreat centre is located near the municipality of Hrinova, just a few kilometres from Detva. It is situated at an altitude of 800 meters above sea level, over the vast valleys of central Slovakia, with the view on the Polana and the surrounding mountain ranges, including the Small Tatras.
The land has 13.3 hectares and includes a house and farm buildings. It was discovered and purchased in 2005 by a group of idealists from the Slovak Diamond Way Buddhism association, in line with Lama Ole Nydahl’s wish.
The place itself provides a unique set of conditions for development. It is located amidst intact mountainous nature, facilitating undisturbed meditation. As the place is situated in the middle of Slovakia, it has become a connecting point for the activities of all Slovak Buddhist centres. The location in the “heart of Europe” is also favourable for many friends visiting us from abroad.
The activities of the Mangutovo centre include individual retreats, meditation courses with travelling teachers and international meditation courses with Lama Ole Nydahl. The main project at the moment focuses on reconstruction works.
The goal of the Mangutovo project is being fulfilled successfully. The beauty of the place and its atmosphere are attracting friends from the whole of Slovakia and abroad, who come to give a helping hand, meditate and have fun together.
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